Natural Contraception?
The female part of our society has to endure cramps and pain every single month, a painful pregnancy and an even more painful birth after that. Not really fair, but that’s nature. So, why not add to this misery to push the responsibility of contraception on the women alone and force her to take hormones in the form of pills every single day, resulting in weight gain and unnatural mood swings and increasing the likelihood of depression.
Luckily, Elina Berglund, a nuclear physicist, has invented a natural and safe method to test, if you are fertile or not. Natural Cycle.
Women measure the temperature underneath their tongues every morning and enter the measurement into the app. An algorithm developed uniquely for the app then determines whether you’re fertile or not that day, so that you know if you risk pregnancy by having unprotected sex.
It is approved from the German inspection and certification organization Tüv Süd, which has classified the app in the medicinal category of IIb. Natural Cycles therefore offers a new, clinically tested alternative to birth control methods such as contraceptive pills, contraceptive implants and condoms.
It costs ₤50 a year, which is cheaper than the pill or condoms.
It is still the women’s responsibility, it still requires a daily input and it still requires condoms at the fertile days. But it is a non-intrusive contraception method without any side effects, while it makes the user understand her body and cycle a bit better. From my point of view, great design!